The MVSD is now accepting applications for
- Teachers
- Paraeducators
- Food Service Workers
- School Custodians
- Bus Drivers/Bus Monitors
Online application
Instructions to set up your Online Application
**Please note: you must click on the APPLY button under Job Openings for jobs you are interested in**
Questions may be directed to the Substitute Coordinator at (360) 428-6184.
Thank you for your interest in working for the Mount Vernon School District.
Unfortunately, Mount Vernon School District is unable to offer computer and internet access to applicants. If you need the use of a computer and other related peripherals to complete an online application, please refer to our guide Local Computer Labs (pdf). The guide lists local agencies that provide computer labs that are open to the public. Please verify with these agencies their operating hours and accessible times as they may change since we have posted this information.
Paid Sick Leave Law (Initiative 1433)
In November 2016, Initiative 1433 was passed by Washington Voters which requires employers to provide nonexempt employees with paid sick leave beginning January 1, 2018. Paid sick leave is now a benefit available to newly eligible employees to care for their health and the health of their families. Learn more here!