The Mount Vernon School District teaches, supports, and challenges thousands of students through high-quality instruction and social-emotional learning. Our District Vision is "To graduate inspired and critical thinkers who embrace diversity and are committed to the betterment of their own lives and the lives of others."
June 24, 2024
Many school districts in our state are facing significant financial challenges. We wanted to share an excellent resource that details how the state continues to fall short of its paramount duty to fully fund basic education and the resulting financial consequences for schools. We presented this information during the Budget Sustainability Informational Session on June 18th. You can find the link here.
May 22, 2024
Music Courses offerings
We have received various questions regarding our music program and other programs at Mount Vernon High School (MVHS). Student enrollment at MVHS overall is trending downwards, with a projected decrease of approximately 115 students next year, and continued declines in subsequent years. This lower enrollment will affect all of our programs, including music.
The master schedule, which outlines all courses offered each year, is determined by student enrollment. For the 24-25 school year, fewer students have enrolled in music courses compared to the current year. Considering that for several years, State funding has not kept pace with the rising costs of staff, we cannot afford to staff courses with very low enrollment numbers. Knowing the State has not been fully funding our schools, the main factor behind the needed reduction in our workforce is declining enrollment, increasing staffing costs and loss of Federal ESSER (COVID) funding.
To maximize the availability of music courses, there will be adjustments within the Fine Arts department. For example, some courses, such as orchestra, may be combined to ensure students have access to performance groups.
Thank you,
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent
May 17, 2024
Dear Students, and Families,
I want to share information regarding recent school district budget related decisions. Along with a reduction in administrative positions, over the past several days a number of our valued secondary staff were notified that their contracts with the Mount Vernon School District will not be extended. This measure, termed a Reduction in Force (RIF), carries substantial impacts for our staff, who demonstrate remarkable dedication and expertise both professionally and personally. Leading up to the RIF, district administrators have been in meetings with union leadership to ensure processes are followed according to our collective bargaining agreements.
We recognize these reductions will have an impact on secondary class sizes. We also understand the challenging and stressful nature of the current circumstances for all parties involved. We've been in communication and in meetings with impacted staff since the first part of May. Please be assured that we are dedicated to providing assistance to our affected employees to support them during this transitional period. We deeply regret that this action was necessary, and want to emphasize that this decision was made after thoughtful considerations.
We first tried to address this workforce issue by not filling open positions due to resignations, leaves, and retirements. At this time, the open positions are not enough to balance our budget. As a result, more significant cuts are necessary. Knowing the State does not fully fund our schools, the main factor behind the reduction in our workforce is declining enrollment, increasing staffing costs and loss of Federal ESSER (Covid) funding.
We want you to know that we're committed to giving our students the best education possible and taking care of everyone in our school community. Your understanding and support mean a great deal to us as we work through these tough times together.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco,
MVSD Superintendent
May 10, 2024
Good afternoon,
At the board meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, I provided another brief update of our budget work and outlook for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years that will impact our district moving forward. If you did not get a chance to attend the board meeting in person or via zoom, I encourage you to review the recorded board meeting that can be found on your District website.
I want to address the implementation of a High School 6-period day for the 2025-2026 school year. This decision stems from the need to manage budget constraints and sustainability factors. While this change is part of our two-year budget planning process, it's essential to understand that it alone will not resolve the challenges we face for the 2025-2026 school year. Our primary goals driving this change are fixed, and we recognize the necessity for ongoing discussions and adjustments.
I want to touch on the Reduction in Force (RIF) process affecting secondary staffing. As many of you know, this process is complex and often requires multiple steps to achieve the desired reduction in staff. While it may seem counterintuitive to issue more letters than the ultimate reduction in Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), this approach is necessary due to contractual obligations, seniority considerations, and other factors. Leading up to the RIF, district administrators have had many meetings with MVEA leadership to ensure processes are followed according to CBA language. We've been in communication and meetings with impacted staff, and this process will continue through May 15th.
Regarding class sizes, it's important to note that they are influenced by various factors, including CBA class size recommendations, state allocations, declining enrollment, and district-specific priorities. As we work to build a sustainable budget, we are striving to balance resource allocation and educational equity. Projected enrollment is based on historical data trends, calculating the current number of students in our system reduced/increased by the historical percentage of students returning the following year. Please discuss registration and projection questions with your principals.
Lastly, I want to address the use of fund balance. After internal discussions and in agreement with WEA leadership, we've decided to no longer allow 100% carryover of unspent funds. Instead, these funds will be rolled into the fund balance and used to help address the looming budget deficit, including paying for staffing. Carryover will still be allowed as required per state/federal regulations and collective bargaining agreements. In addition to the carryover, we are also going to apply all of the projected excess fund balance (above the 5% board goal) that we have saved from unanticipated revenues to help offset reductions in 2024-25. While not all districts are as fortunate as us to have $5m in excess fund balance right now, remember this is a solution for 2024-25 only.
I appreciate your attention and understanding as we navigate through these fiscally challenging times. As we move forward, we will continue to provide you with updated information as it becomes available.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent
May 3, 2024
Good afternoon,
At the board meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, I provided the board with another update of our budget work and outlook for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. If you did not get a chance to attend the board meeting in person or via zoom, I encourage you to review the recorded board meeting as it provides important information. Particularly, under my superintendents report we provided an update on our MVSD sustainability planning work. You can view that section of the update here and a copy of the presentation is here.
As I shared last month, while the 2024-25 budget preparation is still in progress, without reductions the expenditures are $7,787,878 more than revenues. In addition to using $5 million in fund balance created by unplanned revenues, we will need to make $2,787,878 in expenditure reductions to balance the 2024-25 budget. Since the excess fund balance ($5 million) will be spent in 2024-25, it will not be available to allow for deficit spending (expenditures larger than revenues) again, so even larger reductions will be necessary to balance the 2025-26 budget. Any additional increase in expenditures in excess of revenues in 2025-26 will widen the gap and result in deeper reductions.
The May 15th statutory deadline requires us to address certificated and administrative staffing positions prior to the completion of the final budget adoption. The board took action on a resolution that allows us to continue to move our work forward. The anticipated financial resources are not adequate to maintain the district’s educational program and services at substantially the same level as the current year. As a common practice across schools, we attempt to address staffing reductions through attrition, retirements, and resignations. Even so, a reduction in the current number of staff positions is necessary.
As we move forward, we will continue to provide you with updated information as it becomes available.
Thank you,
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent
April 19, 2024
Good afternoon,
As I shared on December 8, 2023, the Mount Vernon School District, like many other districts in our state, is anticipating a budget shortfall for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. Realigning our expenses with our revenues over the past several years has been incredibly challenging, and the coming years will be no different. Since this past January, our Sustainability Planning Team, consisting of members of my Cabinet and key members of the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Departments, have been meeting on Friday afternoons to address this.
At the board meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, I provided the board with an update of our budget work and outlook for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. If you did not get a chance to attend the board meeting in person or via zoom, I would encourage you to review the recorded board meeting as it provides important information. Specifically, under my superintendents report we provided an update on our sustainability planning work. Additionally, under district updates Dr. O’Brien provided an Inclusionary Practices update, both of which have impacts to our sustainability planning work. You can see the board meeting here and a copy of the presentation here.
While the 2024-25 budget preparation is still in progress, without reductions the expenditures are $8 million more than revenues. In addition to using $5 million in fund balance created by unplanned revenues, we will need to make $3 million in expenditure reductions to balance the 2024-25 budget. Since the excess fund balance will be spent in 2024-25, it won’t be available to allow for deficit spending (expenditures larger than revenues) again, so even larger reductions will be necessary to balance the 2025-26 budget. Any additional increase in expenditures in excess of revenues in 2025-26 will widen our gap and result in additional reductions.
As we move forward, we will continue to provide you with updated information when it becomes available.
Thank you,
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent
December 8, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
The Mount School District, like many other school districts, is anticipating a budget deficit for the 2024-25 school year due to factors outlined below. As part of the 2023-24 budget development process, $10.8 million in reductions were identified. Realigning our expenses with our revenues over the past several years has been incredibly challenging, and this coming year will be no different.
At the board meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, we provided the board with an initial update of our budget outlook for the 2024-25 school year. While it is still early, we are currently estimating a $3,000,000 deficit between revenues and expenditures.
As previously highlighted, the state and federal funding structures for school districts have not evolved in tandem with the rising operational costs, which include increased bargained salaries for all of our employee groups. McCleary, coupled with the pandemic, stands as the primary cause behind the fluctuations in our revenues, expenditures, and fund balance, hindering our efforts to establish a sustainable budget.
This fluctuation is a challenge we acknowledge that makes managing the budget extremely difficult. Fund balance beyond the required 5% can only be used once to address increasing costs and is not a sustainable way to cover expenditures and balance a budget. This instability requires a strategic approach to guarantee long-term financial management for stabilizing the school district in the future.
During the December 6th board meeting, the School Board directed Administration to explore the high school bell schedule. It is not uncommon for changes that impact our district to begin at the board level. Exploring changes in the 4x8 schedule emerged as a way to address the estimated deficit, hopefully with minimal impact on student outcomes. Because the board directed us to explore this further, a shift to the high school bell schedule cannot occur for the 24-25 school year. Staff and community involvement at board meetings is encouraged and there is always opportunity for public comment.
As we move forward, district leadership will continue to look at this and other potential cost saving measures. We will continue to provide you updated information.
Thank you,
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent
el 24 de junio, 2024
Muchos distritos escolares de nuestro estado enfrentan desafíos financieros importantes. Queríamos compartir un excelente recurso que detalla cómo el estado continúa incumpliendo su deber primordial de financiar completamente la educación básica y las consecuencias financieras resultantes para las escuelas. Presentamos esta información durante la Sesión Informativa sobre Sostenibilidad Presupuestaria el 18 de junio. Puede encontrar el enlace aquí.
el 22 de mayo, 2024
Hemos recibido varias preguntas sobre nuestro programa de música y otros programas en Mount Vernon High School (MVHS). La inscripción de estudiantes en MVHS en general tiene una tendencia a la baja, con una disminución proyectada de aproximadamente 115 estudiantes el próximo año y disminuciones continuas en los años siguientes. Esta inscripción más baja afectará todos nuestros programas, incluida la música.
El calendario maestro, que describe todos los cursos que se ofrecen cada año, está determinado por la inscripción de los estudiantes. Para el año escolar 24-25, se han matriculado menos estudiantes en cursos de música en comparación con el año actual. Teniendo en cuenta que desde hace varios años la financiación estatal no sigue el ritmo del aumento de los costes del personal, no podemos permitirnos el lujo de dotar de personal a cursos con un número de matrículas muy bajo. Sabiendo que el Estado no ha estado financiando completamente nuestras escuelas, el factor principal detrás de la reducción necesaria en nuestra fuerza laboral es la disminución de la inscripción, el aumento de los costos de personal y la pérdida de fondos federales ESSER (COVID).
Para maximizar la disponibilidad de cursos de música, habrá ajustes dentro del departamento de academia de Artes. Por ejemplo, algunos cursos, como el de orquesta, se pueden combinar para garantizar que los estudiantes tengan acceso a grupos de interpretación.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendente
el 17 de mayo 2024
Estimados Familias y Estudiantes,
Quiero compartir información sobre decisiones recientes relacionadas con el presupuesto del distrito escolar. Junto con una reducción en los puestos administrativos, en los últimos días se notificó a varios de nuestro valioso personal de la secundaria que sus contratos con el Distrito Escolar de Mount Vernon no se extenderán. Esta medida, conocida como Reducción de Fuerza (RIF), conlleva impactos sustanciales para nuestro personal, quienes demuestran una notable dedicación y experiencia tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Antes de implementar la reducción del RIF, los administradores del distrito han estado en reuniones con los líderes sindicales para garantizar que se sigan los procesos de acuerdo con nuestros acuerdos de negociación colectiva.
Reconocemos que estas reducciones tendrán un impacto en el número de estudiantes en las clases de secundaria. También entendemos la naturaleza desafiante y estresante de las circunstancias actuales para todas las personas involucradas. Hemos estado en comunicación y en reuniones con el personal afectado desde principios de mayo. Tenga la seguridad de que estamos dedicados a brindar asistencia a nuestros empleados afectados para apoyarlos durante este período de transición. Lamentamos profundamente que esta acción fuera necesaria y queremos enfatizar que esta decisión se tomó después de muchas consideraciones.
Primero intentamos abordar este problema laboral no cubriendo puestos vacantes debido a renuncias, bajas, y jubilaciones. En este momento, las posiciones abiertas no son suficientes para equilibrar nuestro presupuesto. Sabiendo que el Estado no financia completamente nuestras escuelas, el factor principal detrás de la reducción de nuestra fuerza laboral es la disminución de la matriculación, el aumento de los costos de personal y la pérdida de fondos federales ESSER (Covid).
Queremos que sepan que estamos comprometidos a brindarles a nuestros estudiantes la mejor educación posible y a cuidar de todos en nuestra comunidad escolar. Su comprensión y apoyo significan mucho para nosotros mientras trabajamos juntos en estos tiempos difíciles.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco,
Superintendente de MVSD
el 10 de mayo 2024
Buenas tardes,
En la reunión de la mesa directiva del miércoles 8 de mayo de 2024, proporcioné otra breve actualización de nuestro trabajo presupuestario y perspectivas para los años escolares 2024-25 y 2025-26 que afectarán a nuestro distrito siguiendo adelante. Si no tuvo la oportunidad de asistir a la reunión de la mesa directiva en persona o mediante zoom, los animo a que revisen la reunión grabada de la mesa directiva, que se puede encontrar en el sitio web de nuestro distrito.
Quiero abordar la implementación de una jornada escolar de 6 períodos en la escuela preparatoria para el año escolar 2025-2026. Esta decisión surge de la necesidad de gestionar las restricciones presupuestarias y los factores de sostenibilidad. Este cambio es parte de nuestro proceso de planificación presupuestaria de dos años, es esencial entender que por sí solo no resolverá los desafíos que enfrentamos para el año escolar 2025-2026. Nuestros objetivos principales que impulsan este cambio son fijos,y reconocemos la necesidad de discusiones y ajustes continuos.
Quiero referirme al proceso de Reducción de Fuerza (RIF) que afecta al personal de la escuela preparatoria. Como muchos de ustedes saben, este proceso es complejo y muchas veces requiere múltiples pasos para lograr la reducción de personal deseada. Si bien puede parecer contradictorio emitir más cartas que la reducción final del equivalente a tiempo completo (ETC), este enfoque es necesario debido a obligaciones contractuales, consideraciones de antigüedad y otros factores. Debido al RIF, los administradores del distrito han tenido muchas reuniones con el liderazgo de MVEA para garantizar que los procesos se sigan de acuerdo con el lenguaje CBA. Hemos estado en comunicación y reuniones con el personal afectado y este proceso continuará hasta el 15 de mayo.
Con respecto al tamaño de las clases, es importante señalar que están influenciados por varios factores, incluidas las recomendaciones del CBA sobre el tamaño de las clases, las asignaciones estatales, la disminución de la inscripción y las prioridades específicas del distrito. Mientras trabajamos para construir un presupuesto sostenible, nos esforzamos por equilibrar la asignación de recursos y la equidad educativa. La inscripción proyectada se basa en tendencias de datos históricos, calculando el número actual de estudiantes en nuestro sistema reducido/aumentado por el porcentaje histórico de estudiantes que regresan el año siguiente. Por favor, analice las preguntas sobre inscripción y proyección con sus directores.
Por último, quiero dirigirme al uso del saldo de fondos. Después de discusiones internas y de acuerdo con el liderazgo de WEA, hemos decidido ya no permitir el traspaso del 100% de los fondos no gastados. En cambio, estos fondos se incorporarán al saldo del fondo y se utilizarán para ayudar a abordar el inminente déficit presupuestario, incluido el pago de personal. Se seguirá permitiendo la transferencia según lo exigen las regulaciones estatales/federales y los convenios colectivos. Además del remanente, también aplicaremos todo el exceso de saldo de fondos proyectado (por encima del objetivo del 5 % de la junta) que hemos ahorrado de ingresos imprevistos para ayudar a compensar las reducciones en 2024-25. No todos los distritos son tan afortunados como nosotros de tener un exceso de saldo de fondos de $5 millones en este momento; recuerde que esta es una solución solo para 2024-25.
Agradezco su atención y comprensión mientras navegamos por estos tiempos fiscalmente difíciles. A medida que avancemos, seguiremos proporcionándole información actualizada a medida que esté disponible.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendente
el 3 de mayo 2024
Buenas tardes,
En la reunión de la mesa directiva del miércoles 1 de mayo de 2024, le proporcioné otra actualización de nuestro trabajo presupuestario y perspectivas para los años escolares 2024-25 y 2025-26. Si no tuvo la oportunidad de asistir a la reunión de la junta directiva en persona o mediante Zoom, le recomiendo que revise la reunión grabada de la junta directiva, ya que proporciona información importante. En particular, en el informe de mi superintendente proporcionamos una actualización sobre nuestro trabajo de planificación de sostenibilidad de MVSD. Puede ver esa sección de la actualización aquí y una copia de la presentación está aquí.
Como compartí el mes pasado, si bien la preparación del presupuesto para 2024-25 aún está en progreso, sin reducciones los gastos son $7,787,878 más que los ingresos. Además de utilizar $5 millones en el saldo de fondos creado por ingresos no planificados, necesitaremos realizar $2,787,878 en reducciones de gastos para equilibrar el presupuesto 2024-25. Dado que el saldo excedente del fondo ($5 millones) se gastará en 2024-25, no estará disponible para permitir nuevamente gastos deficitarios (gastos mayores que ingresos), por lo que serán necesarias reducciones aún mayores para equilibrar el presupuesto 2025-26. Cualquier aumento adicional de los gastos que supere los ingresos en 2025-26 ampliará la brecha y dará lugar a reducciones más profundas.
La fecha límite legal del 15 de mayo nos exige abordar los puestos de personal administrativo y certificado antes de completar la adopción final del presupuesto. La junta tomó medidas sobre una resolución que nos permite continuar avanzando en nuestro trabajo. Los recursos financieros previstos no son adecuados para mantener el programa y los servicios educativos del distrito sustancialmente al mismo nivel que el año actual. Como práctica común en todas las escuelas, intentamos abordar las reducciones de personal mediante desgaste, jubilaciones y renuncias. Aun así, es necesaria una reducción del número actual de puestos de personal.
A medida que avancemos, continuaremos brindándole información actualizada a medida que esté disponible.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendente
el 19 de abril,
Buenas tardes,
Como compartí el 8 de diciembre de 2023, el Distrito Escolar de Mount Vernon, como muchos otros distritos de nuestro estado, anticipa un déficit presupuestario para los años escolares 2024-25 y 2025-26. Realinear nuestros gastos con nuestros ingresos durante los últimos años ha sido un desafío increíble y los próximos años no serán diferentes. Desde enero pasado, nuestro Equipo de Planificación de Sostenibilidad, formado por miembros de mi Gabinete y miembros de los Departamentos de Enseñanza, Aprendizaje y Liderazgo, se ha estado reuniendo los viernes por la tarde para abordar este tema.
En la reunión de la mesa directiva del miércoles 17 de abril de 2024, le proporcioné a la mesa directiva, una actualización de nuestro trabajo presupuestario y perspectivas para los años escolares 2024-25 y 2025-26. Si no tuvo la oportunidad de asistir a la reunión de la junta directiva en persona o mediante Zoom, le recomiendo que revise la reunión grabada de la junta directiva, ya que proporciona información importante. Específicamente, en el informe de mi superintendente proporcionamos una actualización sobre nuestro trabajo de planificación de sostenibilidad. Además, en las actualizaciones del distrito, la Dr. O'Brien proporcionó una actualización de las prácticas de inclusión, las cuales tienen impacto en nuestro trabajo de planificación de sostenibilidad. Puede ver la reunión de la junta directiva aquí y una copia de la presentación aquí.
Si bien la preparación del presupuesto para 2024-25 aún está en progreso, sin reducciones los gastos son $8 millones más que los ingresos. Además de utilizar $5 millones en el saldo de fondos creado por ingresos no planificados, necesitaremos realizar $3 millones en reducciones de gastos para equilibrar el presupuesto 2024-25. Dado que el saldo excedente del fondo se gastará en 2024-25, no estará disponible para permitir nuevamente el gasto deficitario (gastos mayores que los ingresos), por lo que serán necesarias reducciones aún mayores para equilibrar el presupuesto 2025-26. Cualquier aumento adicional en los gastos que superen los ingresos en 2025-26 ampliará nuestra brecha y resultará en reducciones adicionales.
A medida que avancemos, continuaremos brindándole información actualizada cuando esté disponible.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendente
8 de diciembre de 2023
El Distrito Escolar de Mount, como muchos otros distritos escolares, anticipa un déficit presupuestario para el año escolar 2024-25 debido a los factores que se describen a continuación. Como parte del proceso de desarrollo del presupuesto 2023-24, se identificaron $10.8 millones en reducciones. Realinear nuestros gastos con nuestros ingresos durante los últimos años ha sido un desafío increíble y el próximo año no será diferente.
En la reunión de la junta del miércoles 6 de diciembre de 2023, le proporcionamos a la junta una actualización inicial de nuestra perspectiva presupuestaria para el año escolar 2024-25. Aunque todavía es pronto, actualmente estamos estimando un déficit de 3.000.000 de dólares entre ingresos y gastos.
Como se destacó anteriormente, las estructuras de financiamiento estatal y federal para los distritos escolares no han evolucionado a la par con los crecientes costos operativos, que incluyen aumentos salariales negociados para todos nuestros grupos de empleados. McCleary, junto con la pandemia, es la causa principal detrás de las fluctuaciones en nuestros ingresos, gastos y saldo de fondos, lo que obstaculiza nuestros esfuerzos por establecer un presupuesto sostenible.
Esta fluctuación es un desafío que reconocemos y que hace que la gestión del presupuesto sea extremadamente difícil. El saldo del fondo que supere el 5% requerido solo se puede utilizar una vez para abordar los costos crecientes y no es una forma sostenible de cubrir gastos y equilibrar un presupuesto. Esta inestabilidad requiere un enfoque estratégico para garantizar una gestión financiera a largo plazo para estabilizar el distrito escolar en el futuro.
Durante la reunión de la junta directiva del 6 de diciembre, la Junta Escolar ordenó a la administración que explorara el horario de campana de la escuela secundaria. No es raro que los cambios que impactan a nuestro distrito comiencen a nivel de la junta directiva. La exploración de cambios en el horario 4x8 surgió como una forma de abordar el déficit estimado, con suerte con un impacto mínimo en los resultados de los estudiantes. Debido a que la junta nos ordenó explorar esto más a fondo, no puede ocurrir un cambio al horario de campana de la escuela secundaria para el año escolar 24-25. Se fomenta la participación del personal y de la comunidad en las reuniones de la junta y siempre hay oportunidad para comentarios públicos.
A medida que avancemos, los líderes del distrito seguirán analizando esta y otras posibles medidas de ahorro de costos. Continuaremos proporcionándole información actualizada.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendente
June 16, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I hope this message finds you well. I want to provide you with an update on the most current information we have regarding our 2023-24 budget before you leave for the summer.
At the June 7th board meeting, I provided a brief update to the board as we did not have a lot of new information to share. I do not anticipate having additional information for the June 21st Board meeting. We plan to have a better understanding of our budget in July.
We are working hard on developing the budget and working on certificated and classified staffing assignments. We are also exploring options for middle school - after school activities for the board’s consideration once we have a better understanding of the final budget outcome in July.
Please continue to reach out to me with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
May 19, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I hope this message reaches you in good health. I would like to provide you with information on the most recent budget update of our board meeting held on May 17, 2023. Primarily, I want to convey my appreciation to each and every one of you who participated, whether in person or remotely. Your attendance and contributions are vital as we work to overcome the obstacles together.
While we didn't have an abundance of recent information, I ensured that the board received the most up-to-date information available. My emphasis was on reviewing the details pertaining to fund balance/reserves and the rationale behind establishing and maintaining them. Additionally, I made an effort to clarify the local financial difficulties we face, particularly in relation to broader social justice issues and the funding challenges unique to property poor districts like ours, which serve a higher proportion of marginalized populations.
If you would like to view the Budget Update that was presented to the board, you can find it here. As I have mentioned before, to better understand the context and rationale of the information, I highly encourage you to watch the video narrative presented during the board meeting. The PDF of the presentation is attached here for your reference. Previous communications can also be found on your MVSD website under the budget link toward the top of the page.
We will continue working through these reduction options, maintaining communication with our union leadership teams, and engaging in discussions with district and building administrators. As we move forward, further updates will be provided. Please continue to reach out to me with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
May 5, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to update you on the latest developments from our recent board meeting on May 3, 2023. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who were able to attend in person or virtually. Your presence and input are crucial as we work to navigate these challenging times together.
During the meeting, we took some time to address questions and feedback that were raised by board members, as well as to provide additional information about potential budget reductions. We understand that these decisions have a significant impact on our community and that there are challenges and concerns that come along with them.
If you would like to view the Budget Update that was presented to the board, you can find it here. As I have mentioned before, to better understand the context and rationale of the information, I highly encourage you to watch the video narrative presented during the board meeting. The PDF of the presentation is attached here for your reference. Previous communications can also be found on your MVSD website under the budget link toward the top of the page.
Our goal is to maintain our efforts with our strategic initiatives for our students, while still making necessary reductions to balance the budget. We will continue to work closely with our school board to achieve this goal. The comments, questions and ideas shared at the board meeting are valuable inputs that we carefully consider to ensure that we make informed decisions.
We will continue these reduction considerations, communication with our union leadership teams, and discussions with district and building administrators. Additional updates will be provided as we proceed. Please continue to reach out to me with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
April 21, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I want to provide you with an update from our board meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Thank you to the staff and community members who attended the meeting in person and on Zoom. We appreciate your presence and the public comments that were shared. As we have mentioned, we are not taking any of these decisions lightly and are doing our best under the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
During that meeting, we addressed questions and feedback from board members during and following the April 12th presentation. This was an opportunity for the Board to seek additional information, raise questions and concerns, and provide ongoing guidance as the reduction plan eventually informs the 2023-24 budget adoption. We also provided additional information about potential reductions that are under consideration.
If you would like to view the Budget Update that was presented to the board, you can find it here. I highly encourage you to watch the video narrative presented during the presentation to better understand the context and rationale of the information. The PDF of the presentation is attached here for your reference.
Budget reductions of this magnitude are very challenging and we know they raise anxiety levels. Our goal is to maintain our efforts with our strategic initiatives for our students, while still making necessary reductions to balance our budget. As we continue working with our school board and as they engage in this work, the comments, questions and ideas shared at the board meeting are examples of input that we all carefully consider.
We will continue these reduction considerations, communication with our union leadership teams, and discussions with district and building administrators. Additional updates will be provided as we proceed. Please continue to reach out to me with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
April 14, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I want to provide you with an update from our board meeting on Wednesday April 12, 2023. First, I want to share my appreciation for the staff and community members that attended the board meeting in person and on Zoom. We truly appreciate your presence and the public comments that were shared.
During that meeting, we presented a Budget Update to the board in which we shared the contributing factors that led to the difference between estimated revenues and expenditures for the 2023-2024 school year. We also provided information about potential reductions that are under consideration.
If you would like to view the Budget Update that was presented to the board, you can find it here. The video was recorded live and the camera angles covered small portions of the presentation text. The PDF is attached here for your reference. I highly encourage you to watch the video narrative (first link) presented during the presentation to better understand the context and rationale of the information.
Budget reductions of this magnitude are very challenging and I know they raise anxiety levels. Our goal is to maintain our efforts with our strategic initiatives for our students while still making necessary reductions to balance our budget. As we continue working with our school board and they engage in this work, the comments, questions and ideas shared at the board meeting are examples of input that we all carefully consider.
As we shared with the Board, we will continue these reduction considerations, continue our communication with our union leadership teams, and continue discussions with district and building administrators. There will be time during the April 19 School Board meeting for the Board to further their engagement with this work. Additional updates will be provided as we proceed. Please reach out to me with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
March 30, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
I hope all is well. I continue to observe countless positive student experiences in and around our schools. This is due to your collective efforts to make a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you for your commitment and support to our school community.
Although the State legislature still has nearly a month to go, I want to provide you with a general budget update before you head off to spring break. The District Cabinet team continues to meet to identify priorities, discuss adjustments and reductions, and develop recommendations for school board consideration as part of the budget adoption process. You will hear more specifics in conjunction with the April 12th board meeting.
Some of the more significant reduction ideas that we have been working with so far are staff adjustments that are closely aligned to elimination of ESSER costs, not filling selected leaves, retirements or resignations, and tech and security levy funding adjustments. We are also looking at possible ways to reallocate positions currently funded through Basic Education Allocation (BEA) into other funding sources.
Our current staffing levels and contractual obligations in relation to this State’s prototypical funding model are unsustainable beyond this year. We make every effort to staff at the levels necessary to meet our community’s expectation of providing safe and supportive learning environments. It is disheartening that we are being forced to reduce staff and programs at a time when the needs of students continue to remain high.
As mentioned in the March 17 update, knowing that 86% of our budget supports staff costs, it is important in the budget planning process to determine the number of employees who intend to retire or resign at the end of this school year. Additionally, if there are planned leaves for the 2023-24 school year, that will also be factored into the efforts to build a balanced budget to recommend to the school board for their approval.
We recognize the valuable contributions of all our staff members to the success of our students and our District. However, the budget situation requires us to make some incredibly difficult decisions. We will continue to work with union leaders regarding staff reductions and ensure timely notification of those impacted. We will be meeting with labor groups and staff members in the coming weeks to discuss the details of the reductions and how they will be implemented.
We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time. As we wait on information from the State, we remain in a slight holding pattern in terms of budget reduction recommendations. We will continue to provide updates on the budget planning process. Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our District.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco
March 17, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
The 2023-24 Budget Update message I sent via email to all staff on March 2 informed everyone that reducing positions and hours will be part of the District’s budget work. Given that 86% of our expenditures cover staff costs, there is no way around this.
In preparation for that reduction the District will determine the number of employees who plan to retire or resign at the end of the 2022-23 school year by April 14th. This determination also aligns with current MVEA contract language. We will also determine the number of employees who are planning to take leaves in the 2023-24 school year. Both pieces of information will inform the level of reduction needed to generate a balanced budget recommendation to the school board.
Of course additional resignations, retirements and leaves may surface after April 14th. For planning purposes, the District can only plan based upon the information we have in hand.
The Mount Vernon School District maintains a running list of staff that have already informed us that they do not plan to return for the 2023-24 school year, as well as a running list of staff who have approved leaves for 2023-24. If you fall into one of these categories and you have not shared that information yet with the District, we encourage you to do so before the end of the day on April 14th.
Thank you for your attention and assistance as we gather this information.
Dr. Ismael Vivanco
March 2, 2023
Message from the Superintendent:
During the March 1, 2023 board meeting, we provided your board with an update of our budget outlook for the 2023-2024 school year. As anticipated, we face a significant difference between the estimated revenues and expenditures for the 2023-2024.
What contributes to this difference? The manner by which the state funds school districts has not kept pace with the costs of running a school district, including the salaries and wages we believe our staff deserve. Federal ESSER funds that enabled us to address student needs and cover rising costs can no longer be relied upon as they come to an end next school year. The number of staff we employ is well beyond the number of staff the state funds. While each school district has unique financial circumstances, we see these same factors in many districts currently.
To address this challenge and present a balanced budget to the school board this summer, work is underway to identify potential reductions. The District is exploring options to reduce expenditures in line with our anticipated revenue. Your District Cabinet Team has been meeting to identify priorities, discuss adjustments and reductions, and develop recommendations for school board consideration as part of their budget adoption process. Given that 86% of our expenditures cover staff costs, reducing positions and hours will occur. To date, we have shared information with the following partners:
February 16, 2023 - shared budget information with the District Leadership Team
February 21, 2023 - shared budget information with building principals
February 22, 2023 - shared budget information with labor union partners
March 1, 2023 - shared budget information and update with the Board
Dr. Ismael Vivanco
Attachment | Size |
Budget Timeline.pdf (53.95 KB) | 53.95 KB |
Budget Revenues and expenditures.pdf (56.98 KB) | 56.98 KB |
Budget graphs.pdf (52.81 KB) | 52.81 KB |