Board of Directors Policies and Procedures

Board Policies Series 6000 - Management Support

Table of Contents 6000 Series (171.16 KB)
6000 Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption, and Implementation (209.28 KB)
6000P Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption, and Implementation (29.95 KB)
6020 System of Funds and Accounts (19.02 KB)
6020P System of Funds and Accounts (17.63 KB)
6021 Interfund Loand (12.98 KB)
6022 Minimum Fund Balance (106.42 KB)
6025 Post Issuance Compliance (97.58 KB)
6040 Expenditures in Excess of Budget (13.88 KB)
6100 Revenues from Local, State and Federal Sources (225.37 KB)
6100P Revenues from Local, State and Federal Sources (17.32 KB)
6102 District Fundraising Activities (14.33 KB)
6102P District Fundraising Activities (16.62 KB)
6112 Rental or Lease of District Real Property (13.54 KB)
6113 Rental of Musical Instruments (13.08 KB)
6114 Gifts (12.98 KB)
6114P Gifts (12.89 KB)
6120 Investment of Funds (12.93 KB)
6210 Purchasing: Authorization and Control (12.92 KB)
6210P Purchasing: Authorization and Control (14.65 KB)
6212 Charge Cards (128.67 KB)
6213 Reimbursement for Travel Expenses (13.56 KB)
6213F Staff Travel Request (15.29 KB)
6213P Reimbursement for Travel Expenses (16.19 KB)
6215 Voucher Certification and Approval (13.91 KB)
6215P Voucher Certification and Approval (15.14 KB)
6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services: Warrants (13.67 KB)
6220 Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements (92.55 KB)
6220P Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements (77.63 KB)
6240 Food and Beverage Consumption (12.86 KB)
6240F Food and Beverage Consumption (16 KB)
6240P Food and Beverage Consumption (13.35 KB)
6250 Cellular Telephones (12.74 KB)
6500 Risk Management (13.77 KB)
6500P Risk Management (12.8 KB)
6505 Security Video (184.41 KB)
6505 Security Video Policy - Spanish (81.97 KB)
6505P Security Video (196.02 KB)
6505P Security Video Procedure - Spanish (131.11 KB)
6510 Civility In The Workplace (238.26 KB)
6510 Civility In The Workplace - SPN (116.06 KB)
6511 Staff Safety (13.16 KB)
6510 Civility Policy-RUS (126.35 KB)
6511P Staff Safety (14.99 KB)
6513 Workplace Violence Prevention (13.99 KB)
6513P Workplace Violence Prevention (14.85 KB)
6530 Insurance (19.13 KB)
6535 Student Insurance (13.24 KB)
6550 Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription Based Information Technology Arrngmnts (162.49 KB)
6570 Property, Data and Records Management (16.13 KB)
6570P Records Management (22.25 KB)
6600 Transportation (127.59 KB)
6605 Student Safety Walking to School and Riding Buses (15.65 KB)
6605P Student Conduct on Buses/Bicycle Helmet Requirement (31.93 KB)
6605P-F1 Permission Form (18.77 KB)
6620 Special Transportation (16.34 KB)
6630 Driver Training and Responsibility (99.85 KB)
6700 Nutrition, Physical Education, Activity, and Wellness (33.22 KB)
6700P Nutrition, Physical Education, Activity, and Wellness (27.49 KB)
6810 Energy Management/Education (13.96 KB)
6881 Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials (15.88 KB)
6881P Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials (13.52 KB)
6883 Closure of Facilities (13.81 KB)
6890 State Environmental Policy Act Compliance (27.56 KB)
6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting, and Record Keeping (12.7 KB)
6895P Pesticide Notification, Posting, and Record Keeping (25.89 KB)
6910 Construction Financing (15.91 KB)
6920 Construction Design (13.5 KB)
6925 Architect and Engineering Services (13.5 KB)
6925P Selection of Architects or Engineers (13.58 KB)
6950 Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds and Insurance (13.99 KB)
6955 Maintenance of Records (13.46 KB)
6959 Acceptance of Completed Project (14.09 KB)
6970 Naming and Dedication of Schools and Facilities (24.65 KB)